Field Trip Permission Forms
As part of our curriculum at the Barn School, we will take many field trips throughout the year to complement and support our themes and projects. Sometimes these trips will be planned far in advance, but more often than not, due to the nature of our child-directed curriculum, the opportunities will arise and provide us with less advance notice. One of the benefits of our program is that we can pursue these different opportunities as they arise, and it gives us the chance to make connections with our communities and foster a greater sense of belonging and stewardship. Our learning is deepened by these experiences, and they enable us to gain insight that we might not otherwise be able to have.
This general permission form allows you to give permission for general field trips throughout the 2018-2019 school year to destinations within a 25-mile radius of the Barn School. Should we wish to venture farther, a separate field trip form is needed.
You can access the form by clicking the PDF button below: